Spring Crafts for Sunny Days at Home

At Marin Waldorf School, we celebrate spring in many ways, and it’s something we can all do at home. Here are some of the pictures we’ve received from families recently, showing their creative days at home, often made using household ingredients.

The spectacular spring basket pictured here was made by a Kindergarten family and is filled with quail and chicken eggs dyed with beet, blueberry and onion skin on a living chia garden nest. If you want to create a beautiful spring basket of your own, here is primer from Waldorf Today on creating homemade natural dyes and egg decorating. (Photo by Maggie Dawson.)

Ojos de Dios
Tissue paper window decorations

Felted animals and a spring table

What have you and your family been making at home? Please share! Families, send pictures and descriptions to Julie at grandmotheroak@marinwaldorf.org.